
Kohana XML helper module

Important! All Kohana-related posts are now at http://kohana.lillem4n.se.

This module is actually just a helper (for now, at least). But it is very handy when working with converting various data to XML in PHP. A few examples:

Simple example of the two different return values.
As DOMDocument:
$doc = xml::toXML(array('root'=>array('fnupp'=>'dah')));
$doc->formatOutput = true;

echo $doc->saveXML();

As DOMNode:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$container = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('root'));

xml::toXML(array('fnupp'=>'dah'), $container);

echo $doc->saveXML();

How the $container works:
xml::toXML(array('fnupp' => 'dah'))

will output:

xml::toXML(array('fnupp' => 'dah'), 'root')

will output:

That was just a few examples, full documentation is within the helper PHP-file. That includes passing SQL and getting it back as XML directly, working with attributes etc.

All feedback is very welcome!

Hashes: #kohana xml module #kohana module #kohana #xml #php

1 comment:

  1. This is a class that converts php (arrays,objects,variables) to xml:

    Hope this helps you out.
    Phillip Brown
